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[fontpress type=”font-face” name=”GoodDog Regular” size=”32px” lh=”24px” color=”#C00″] Plus, Get Our *All-New* “Funk It Up!” Series For *FREE* – [HOT!] [/fontpress] [s3mediastream]s3streamingvideo,,2,0,0,sbms-presentation1.mp4,s1z4n9lfyw4m2b,1800,yes,https:++www.bassguitartips.com+images+flaretheme+sbmsvslposter-none.jpg,,bottom-left,,no,693,450,no,over,,,#666,,no,no,no,slapbassmadesimple,0[/s3] [listener videoid=”2″ show=”793″ remove=”0″] [fontpress type=”cufon” name=”Impact” size=”50px” lh=”52px” color=”#CC0000″] ***Limited Time Bonus***[/fontpress] [fontpress type=”webfonts” name=”Roboto Slab” size=”21px” lh=”24px” color=”#333″] Order A Copy of “Slap Bass Made Simple” For Only $47 *and* we’ll immediately and automatically add a FREE copy of “Funk It Up – Volume 1” to your order! [/fontpress] [fontpress type=”font-face” name=”GoodDog Regular” size=”38px” lh=”24px” color=”#C00″] Introducing The All-New “Funk It Up!”
Woodshed Series – FREE With Your Purchase Today!…
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The “Funk It Up!” Woodshed Series is easily THE SINGLE FASTEST WAY we know of to install a *dangerous* and highly enviable arsenal of funk bass lines into your bass playing…

…Imagine kidnapping 5 world class studio bassists and forcing them to write out 25 of their *ABSOLUTE FUNKIEST* bass lines for you, then having them teach you how to play them all to perfection – NOTE-BY-NOTE…

…You’d literally be walking away with a “musical vocabulary” that could put A LOT of other bass players out of work and that’s exactly what you’re getting with the “Funk It Up!”Woodshed Series!

…And for a VERY LIMITED TIME you can grab your pre-release copy *ABSOLUTELY FREE* with your purchase of “Slap Bass Made Simple”.
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