“It’s Black Friday Weekend!”
[subheading_2]The Last Great Sale of The Year[/subheading_2][one_fourth] [frame link=”https://bassguitartips.infusionsoft.com/saleform/nathnils” linking=”new-window” align=”center” type=”simple”]

The Simple Bass Playing System
“The Amazingly Powerful Bass Playing System Being Used By Students toFire Their Bass Instructors!”
Is this the simplest, more straightforward bass learning system on the internet?.. If you’re a beginner or rookie intermediate player who’s SHORT ON PRACTICE TIME I most certainly think it is!
Students around the world have referred to it as ‘the best bass teaching system’ they’ve ever seen and today I want to show you how to use it to become a highly competent, gig-ready bassist… Even if you don’t know a single ounce of music theory!”
[button linking=”new-window” link=”http://www.simplebassplayingsystem.com/ordersbps” size=”small” wide=”true” bg_color=”#034462″ text_color=”#ffffff”]Click Here to Continue Reading…[/button] [/one_half] [one_fourth_last] [frame link=”https://bassguitartips.infusionsoft.com/saleform/nathnils” linking=”new-window” align=”center” type=”simple-shadow”]
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The Rock Bass Playbook
“Here Are 81 Essential ‘Groove Templates’Guaranteed To Make You A Versatile,‘Stand Out’ Rock Bassist!..”
If you’re a “casual rock bass player” who’s already got the basics down and you’ve now been playing bass for anything more than say 4 to 8 months, I’ve got some kinda depressing news for you…
…It’s very likely that you’re about to “max out”… What do I mean?…
…Well, unless you’re actively seeking new ideas to update your playing, it’s very easy for you to fall into a rut… Where you’re stuck playing the same old monotonous stuff for the next 20 years…
[button linking=”new-window” link=”http://www.rockbassplaybook.com/get-the-rock-bass-playbook/” size=”small” wide=”true” bg_color=”#034462″ text_color=”#ffffff”]Click Here to Continue Reading…[/button] [/one_half] [one_fourth_last] [frame link=”https://bassguitartips.infusionsoft.com/app/manageCart/processBundle?clearCart=true&productId=63&productQuantity=1&promoCode=THANKSGIVING55″ linking=”new-window” align=”center” type=”simple-shadow”]
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21 Gospel Bass Runs
“Revealed! – Note for Note Breakdowns of Amazing Bass Runs & Licks, From Some of Today’s Hottest Gospel Bass Players!”
Here’s a quick and easy way to cure stale, uninspired gospel bass playing…
Simply ‘borrow’ from this little known treasure chest of *ridiculous* bass runs and licks frequently used by some of today’s hottest gospel bass players!”
[button linking=”new-window” link=”http://www.21gospelbassruns.com/21-gospel-bass-runs/” size=”small” wide=”true” bg_color=”#034462″ text_color=”#ffffff”]Click Here to Continue Reading…[/button] [/one_half] [one_fourth_last] [frame link=”https://bassguitartips.infusionsoft.com/saleform/nathnile” linking=”new-window” align=”center” type=”simple-shadow”]
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The Fretboard Formula Master Class
“Who Else Wants to Learn 6 Visual‘Tricks’ That Can Instantly ImproveYour Fretboard Fluency?”
I’ll get straight to the point… There are 6 exact things you need to work on immediately if you want to be able to play almost anything, anywhere on the fretboard with style, musicality & confidence…
Now that might sound a little too simple but believe me, if you go through these six action steps, you will be well on you way to having far better control of the fretboard than most other practicing players you know…
I absolutely guarantee it![button linking=”new-window” link=”http://www.fretboardformula.com” size=”small” wide=”true” bg_color=”#034462″ text_color=”#ffffff”]Click Here to Continue Reading…[/button] [/one_half] [one_fourth_last] [frame link=”https://bassguitartips.infusionsoft.com/app/manageCart/processBundle?clearCart=true&productId=11&productQuantity=1&promoCode=THANKSGIVING55″ linking=”new-window” align=”center” type=”simple-shadow”]

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The Breakthrough Bass Playing Blueprint
“How to Improve Your Bass PlayingMore In the Next 3 – 6 MonthsThan In the Previous 3 YEARS!”
I’ve never been more excited about writing a letter in my life, because I know for a FACT that many of you reading this right now, will remember this as the day you stopped envying advanced bass players and got started joining them!
…Because today I’m going to openly expose to you the private practice routines of a bass genius and…
[button linking=”new-window” link=”http://www.breakthroughbassplaying.com/” size=”small” wide=”true” bg_color=”#034462″ text_color=”#ffffff”]Click Here to Continue Reading…[/button] [/one_half] [one_fourth_last] [frame link=”https://bassguitartips.infusionsoft.com/app/manageCart/processBundle?clearCart=true&productId=32&productQuantity=1&promoCode=THANKSGIVING55″ linking=”new-window” align=”center” type=”simple-shadow”]
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The Gospel Bass Player
“How Formerly ‘Average’ Players Tweaked Their Practicing to Become Top-Tier, Super Effective, Gospel Bassists…”
The more I meet and talk with truly “top-gun” gospel bassists, the more I realize that being born with some “rare musical talent” for the instrument is so highly over-rated…
Controversial?.. Not at all – In fact, the real truth is that…
…Most of the players we listen to, admire and consider to be “Gospel Bass Monsters” started off as very, *very* AVERAGE SOUNDING, non-special players.
[button linking=”new-window” link=”http://www.gospelbassplayer.com/gbpreport.html” size=”small” wide=”true” bg_color=”#034462″ text_color=”#ffffff”]Click Here to Continue Reading…[/button] [/one_half] [one_fourth_last] [frame link=”https://bassguitartips.infusionsoft.com/app/manageCart/processBundle?clearCart=true&productId=88&productQuantity=1&promoCode=THANKSGIVING55″ linking=”new-window” align=”center” type=”simple-shadow”]
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Bass Guitar Secrets
“How to Play Performance Level Bass Lines For Any Song Right Off The Top of Your Head — Starting In 90 Days or Less”
“How would other musicians privately describe your playing?… If you’re sick and tired of feeling like your bass playing is inadequate, boring or stuck in neutral, I’d like to show you…”
How a beginner student of mine learned to play highly impressive bass grooves for any song I threw at him in only 81 days!…
[button linking=”new-window” link=”http://www.bassguitarsecrets.com” size=”small” wide=”true” bg_color=”#034462″ text_color=”#ffffff”]Click Here to Continue Reading…[/button] [/one_half] [one_fourth_last] [frame link=”” linking=”new-window” align=”center” type=”simple-shadow”]