The Pocket Chops Workshop

"The Pocket Chops Workshop"

How to develop air-tight pocket playing skills so that every groove you play sounds and feels, like solid gold!

      (* Reading time 3-5 minutes).    

Do You pass "the groove test"?

If you’ve ever learned and played one of your favorite bass grooves, but it just didn't feel as polished and "put together" as the original…

...If you’ve ever seen another bassist play something so "deep in the pocket" that the entire band got a case of "stank face" and wished you could too...

...Or if your best attempts to play more intricate, hard hitting grooves like those in the style of Jaco Pastorius, Joe Dart, Francis Rocco Prestia, Sharay Reed, Pino Pallidino, Nathan East, etc. usually end up sounding like a crumble of messy notes…

…Then I’ve got something you should probably check out.

Here's what We're Doing...

...I recently hosted a workshop is called "How to Develop Strong Pocket Chops", where together with students I sit down guided them through the exact steps to follow to give your groove playing skills a significant upgrade.

And right now you can grab a copy of the recording of that workshop to watch and use at your convenience. (Lifetime access of course...)

Here's what you're getting:

In this class, you'll discover...

  • The 5 essential “system requirements” for playing with “great pocket”, and how to reliably use them to craft magnetic grooves yourself!
  • Exactly how to get rid of the nagging rhythmic deficiencies most amateur bassists still secretly struggle with, once and for all...
  • Why some people can keep decent "time" but still have terrible "pocket and feel" when they groove, and the one thing you should add to your practice routine to ensure you develop both, SIMULTANEOUSLY...
  • The single most straight-forward way to develop right hand stamina and great “touch” in your bass playing…
  • ...And quite possibly the last 20-minute “practice plan” you’ll ever need to whip your right hand into damn good shape.
  • We also did a LIVE Q & A session where students got answers to their questions AND real-time feedback and advice directly from me.
  • And of course you get lifetime access to the recordings and additional resources used in the class...

The Price:

It's just a simple ONE-TIME payment of $100 (no upsells, no funny business) and together we'll install some new upgrades into your playing technique that everyone you play with will notice.

The guarantee:

You risk nothing. You have the right to a full refund at any time for 90 days...

Yes, even though that's well after you've already watched the class and gotten more than enough time to use the methods I'm going to show you. Fair enough?

secure your Copy Here:

Just fill out the secure order form below to and I'll send you a username and password to access this no-nonsense workshop in the next 5 minutes...